Monday, May 12, 2014

Workaround for Lookup field in SharePoint list templates

  1. Download the "Template-Actors.stp" file from "List Templates"
  2. Rename the file and change the extension of the file from ".stp" to ".cab"..
  3. Once you have the extension as ".cab", extract the "Manifast.xml" file.
  4. Get the list url of the lookup list and replace the guid with th url.
  5. Save the manifest.xml
  6. Open a VS.NET command prompt.
  7. Run the makecab command as follows:
  8. makecab manifest.xml [yourlist].stp
  9. Import the new STP into the destination Web’s list template gallery. You will need to delete it if it has previously been imported.
  10. Create a new list based upon the new STP file.

The lookup column on the new list should retain all the data that was in the source list.

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